The state of education in the new normal


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           Today, Covid-19 has been the worst nightmare in the world. It has triggered the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, forced closures, and bankruptcies of much of the economy. All affected countries were stunned by the tragic results, forcing everyone to stay at home and to abandon their normal lifestyle for quite a long time. One of the worst impacts of this pandemic is in the field of education.

           Education provides us knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something greater. It's all about learning, accessing, and using prior knowledge as an advantage. But are we still learning in this new normal, or are we really doing it because we're frightened of being left out? Now that we use alternative modalities such as modular and online learning, there are lots of students getting depressed and stressed because of having too many tasks and activities than before but we can't do anything about it. For a large number of students, they have no access to the internet, they lack in learning materials. Everyone is not capable. 

       May we learn to better recognize that we are always given the ability to appreciate what matters most, even in this crisis. I believe that a beautiful intention lies even in these unfortunate events.  


